Annual Exhibition 2022
Our 64th Annual Exhibition again is a showcase of Brentwood Art Society members’ broad approach to subject matter and media. Several pieces on show benefit from the starting points introduced by tutors during our practical sessions. Others explore domestic themes and subjects from further afield.
This year we were delighted to welcome Olivia Francois, Mayor of Brentwood, to open our exhibition. Olivia said she enjoyed the exhibition and she wore a remarkable dress for the occasion bearing images of Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa. Friends, family and other invited guests helped to make the evening an enjoyable occasion.
The exhibition runs from Saturday 5th November to Saturday 26th November.
In this year's exhibition, we celebrate the work of Arnold Davey, who passed away recently. Arnold had been a long time member of Brentwood Art Society before illness prevented him attending. He was a talented artist in a variety of media and had an experimental approach. He attended the Society's weekend trips, workshops and trips abroad. We thank Philip Davey, Arnold's son, and Susanne Taylor, for loaning examples of Arnold's work for display in the exhibition.
Left: Brentwood Art Society Chair, Anna Crowe, with Brentwood Mayor, Oivia Francois. Above: There was a good turn-out for the Preview Evening.

Right: Examples of work on show at the exhibition